
Showing posts from August, 2017

Natalie's Village in Oz

       For this assignment, I created a small village in Gillikin Country.  In keeping with Gillikin surroundings, EVERYTHING is purple.  All of the buildings are mounds in the ground, much like other Gillikin farmlands.  This village is small and located near a small lake.  The lake is at the southern most point in the village.  In this lake, there are Lavender Fish, much like the Comet goldfish, but larger and purple.  These fish are unique, as their taste harkens their name, a light lavender flavor through out.        Now, to the North of the village, there are the the crafting houses.  These crafting houses are filled with bookmaking workshops, storytelling and writing workshops, illustration rooms, ink making rooms, paper making rooms, lettering rooms, prink making rooms and other crafting rooms.  Now, one may wonder, how does one learn how to do all these things? Well, to the east, there is a large purple mound building which is a learning academy for all who wish to learn these